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The resources package is intended to provide a set of common words or phrases that you may use throughout your app like Ok or Next, etc.

Currently these resources are also available in Spanish but we plan on adding additional languages and would gladly take a PR from any native speakers to add or update localizations. Please be sure to use the Multilingual App Toolkit Editor to edit the xlf files when translating.

Words & Phrases

Account Generally used for a label
Add Generally used for a button text
Address Generally used for a label
An unexpected error '{0}' occurred. Correlation Id: {1} Error Message Template. Requires Error Message and Correlation Id passed in via string.Format. Used by the APBaseViewModel.
Back Generally used for a button text
Cancel Generally used to dismiss alerts
City Generally used for a label
Coming Soon Generally used for a title or label
Dismiss Generally used for a button text
Email Generally used for a label
Error Generally used for a window title
First Name Generally used for a label
Info Generally used for a title or label
Last Name Generally used for a label
Loading... Generally used for a label with an Activity Indicator
Login May be used for a label, title or button text
Next Generally used for a button text
No Generally used for a button text
Ok Generally used for a button text
Reply Generally used for a button text
State Generally used for a label
Success Generally used for a label
Tap to add Used for accessibility help text
Tap to cancel Used for accessibility help text
Tap to dismiss Used for accessibility help text
Tap to go back Used for accessibility help text
Tap to login Used for accessibility help text
Try Again Generally used for a button text
Warning Generally used for a window title
Whoops Generally used for a window title
Yes Generally used for a button text
Zip Generally used for a label